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Radiesthesia Experts at VastuEnergetics proudly announce their pioneering research on Geopathy.

What is Hartmann Grid in Geopathy:

Geopathy as we all know came to prominence in Germany when Dr. Ernst Hartmann discovered the Global Grid which causes biological effects.
His compiled data (research) revealed that the electrical resistance of the human body was compromised while onto a grid aligned with the cardinal points, which eventually became known as the Hartmann Grid. This global grid is supposed to react to earth’s magnetism.
It comprises of parallel lines that are 2.5 meters apart in the East-West direction and 2 meters apart in the North-South direction. The zone between these geometric lines is a neutral zone. The thickness of these lines was found to be about 21cm.

What is Curry Grid in Geopathy:

Dr. Manfred Curry discovered another grid which was diagonal to the Hartmann Grid, and which came to be known as the Curry Grid.
The Curry Grid Lines are Northeast to Southwest and Northwest to Southeast and spaced between 4 and 16 metres.
A crossing of two Hartmann lines which is called a node, or a knot is more dangerous and so is the intersection of the Hartmann line with a Curry line, water vein and subterranean faults. The earth radiation at such points is much more intense and hence it becomes even more harmful to spend time on such locations.
The H3 Values can be both Inductive and Capacitive and Polarisation is mostly alternative for both grids.
The intensity of the grid lines for both the Hartmann and Curry Grid increases at night and the Curry Grid is additionally affected by lunar cycles. Hence spending time when we sleep on these nodes can negatively affect our health.
As we know, the presence of the Hartmann Grid and the Curry Grid is frequently disputed. We believe the primary reason could be in the challenge to accurately detect it with dowsing tools especially when there is little man-made influence in rural environments as compared to urban areas where one can find greater artificial contamination due to electromagnetic fields.

Water Veins.

Water veins are amongst the other known types of geopathic stresses which are harmful to human health.
They can be both Inductive and Capacitive with clockwise or anti-clockwise polarisation. They are known to affect differently depending upon their quality, polarisation, and intensity.
Geopathic Stresses do not induce any disease directly, rather they lower the strength of the immune system, and the human body becomes susceptible to various diseases which are at times unexplained.


Across the world, most people advise to shift their beds, but then new lines can always come in making it a wrong choice. Earth acupuncture is another way but again that takes care of the present and does not protect against future aggression.

In India, geopathic stress correction means blocking these geo-stress lines from entering the premises by placing remedies. This is a flawed protocol and we have addressed this scientifically in our Blog

What sets the VastuEnergetics’ Geopathic Remedies apart from the rest? Why are Geopathic Stress Remedies from VastuEnergetics better than any other remedy on offer?

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Our geopathic stress solutions include installation of our products as per a defined protocol which is very easy and quick. We do not have to look for and target individual lines which are time-consuming and call for a certain level of expertise in dowsing. Besides, their orientation can always change with time which is another issue not known to the layman who gets individual lines corrected.

Hartmann Line / Hartmann Grid

Before Correction:

Values detected using the H3 Antenna

Hartmann Lines: North-South at 6.10 IL & East-West at 12.20 IL

Thickness – 21 cm.

Intensity of 4 which means 25%.

Nodal Point: Bundled values of 6.10 IL and 12.20 IL with an Intensity of 4 which means 25%.

The YIN Sensor reacted on the nodal points which is a negative sign


After Correction:

Values detected using the H3 Antenna:

Hartmann Lines: North-South at 6.10 CR & East-West at 12.20 CR

Thickness – 21 cm.

Intensity of 6 which means 17%.

Nodal Point: Bundled values of 6.10 CR and 12.20 CR with an Intensity of 6 which means 17%.

The YANG Sensor reacted on the nodal points which is a positive sign.

Curry Grid:

Before Correction:

Values detected using the H3 Antenna

Northeast-Southwest & Northwest to Southeast at 6.90 IL & 13.90 IL

Thickness – 40 cm.

Intensity of 4 which means 25%.

Nodal Point: Bundled values of 6.90 IL and 13.90 IL with an Intensity of 4 which means 25%.


After Correction:

Values detected using the H3 Antenna:

Northeast-Southwest & Northwest to Southeast at 6.90 CR & 13.90 CR

Thickness – 40 cm.

Intensity of 6 which means 17%.

Nodal Point: Bundled values of 6.90 CR and 13.90 CR with an Intensity of 6 which means 17%.

The YANG Sensor reacted on the nodal points which is a positive sign.

With our profound knowledge of Radiesthesia, we have successfully achieved “INVERSION” and “RE-POLARIZATION” at the same time such that the Hartmann Lines and Curry Grid which had Inductive properties now have Capacitive properties & left turning polarization, which is calming, is now converted to Right-Turning polarization which is stimulating.

Additionally, the striking feature is that the Yang energy is found on all the nodal points or knots. The nodal point is energetically a positive 17% from an erstwhile negative 25%.

This energy is uplifting and stimulates the human energy system and hence it is extremely beneficial.

Friends, this is a breakthrough that has been achieved such that harmful earth radiations called Geopathic Stresses are worked upon and transmuted to beneficial by using smartly engineered geo-stress removal products.

Its 1st Worldwide & we are the ONLY ones who can do this!!!

Let us not forget that geopathic stress experts across the world are working on blocking these energies but none as of today can work upon them to make them beneficial as we have been successfully able to in the case of the Hartmann Grid, Curry Grid, Water Veins, and Negative Ley Lines.

Water Veins:

Before Correction

Values detected using the H3 Antenna:

3.10, 7.80, 10.80, 9.25, 15.45 – Values were IL – Inductive and Left turning.


After Correction

Values detected using the H3 Antenna:

 3.10, 7.80, 10.80, 9.25, 15.45 – Bundled Values are CR – Capacitive and Right turning

The Latin word INVERTERE or “to invert” describes in Radiesthesia an interchange of inner and outer radiation zones of a spectroid.

In case of water veins, an inversion changes the Quality of the radiation such that previously held Inductive properties are now changed to Capacitive properties!

This technical information is new to Indian experts, and we are glad to share and spread our knowledge.

H3 values determined on one side of the water vein would have Inductive properties and the other side would have Capacitive properties. This can only be detected with an H3 Antenna.

Such a water vein is called an “inverse”.

The human energy system benefits, and the auric field is protected and expands instead of getting diminished on a water vein.

It must be noted that this is extremely beneficial because the massive bundling of Capacitive Radiations that occurs there stimulates the body, spirit and soul.

What separates us at VastuEnergetics from the rest of the world in this endeavor is that unlike others who must compulsorily place objects for inversion of water veins, we have successfully achieved this without “touching” the water vein or without placing any object on the water vein.

In India, they block it as they do not possess the technical expertise to inverse it.

For us, this has been made possible largely due to our unique next-generation products which are a worldwide first coupled with our study of Radiesthesia in Germany where we got certified as India’s First and Only Consultants and Trainers of Psychodynamic Radiesthesia using the H3 Antenna.

Negative Ley Lines:

 Before Correction

Value detected using the H3 Antenna:  10.20 CL

After Correction

Value detected using the H3 Antenna:  1.60 SR

ext-generation products which are a worldwide first coupled with our study of Radiesthesia in Germany where we got certified as India’s First and Only Consultants and Trainers of Psychodynamic Radiesthesia using the H3 Antenna.

One or more Negative Ley Lines in the Vastu space are transmuted without working upon them individually according to the Radiesthetic Principles of “Inversion”, “Re-Polarization” and “Field Alteration”. As a result, the energetic quality of the habitat OR Vastu will keep on improving with the addition of new and transmuted Positive Ley Lines. Not just this, the products work in such a way that the Vastu space will not be aggressed in future also, and the homeowner is assured of a positive energetic habitat upon VastuEnergetics Remedial installation.

Indian experts have no means to transmute Negative Ley Lines – they can only block them – whereas VastuEnergetics is the only company in India having the expertise to transmute all of them in one go and usher in positive energies in a Vastu without working on each of them.

By now you must have keenly observed that the geopathic stress removal products offered by VastuEnergetics – Best Vastu Consultant are Unique, Research based, and work on principles of Radiesthesia which are proven with validation both to the Vastu consultant, the Geopathic Stress Expert, and the layman / homeowner in you.

This makes the Geopathic Stress solutions offered by VastuEnergetics the best in class, GOLD STANDARD IN INDIA AND ACROSS THE WORLD due to our pioneering research and we urge you to use them be it Vastu for Home, Vastu for Office, Vastu for Commercial Spaces, Vastu for Factory or Vastu for Plot and Geopathic Vastu in the best interest of your family and business.

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