Vastu for Banks: Cultivating Prosperity and Harmony

In the realm of banks and financial institutions, Vastu Shastra offers specific guidelines to optimize the energy flow within the space and attract positive forces. Here’s a detailed breakdown of Vastu recommendations tailored for banks:


  • The most recommended orientation for banks is towards the North, as it is associated with Kuber, the god of wealth. This alignment is believed to invite prosperity.

Site Selection:

  • When choosing land or buildings, it is advisable to follow overarching Vastu principles. Evaluate the alignment of Vidhi Shula (roads) by considering both positive and negative orientations.
Vastu For Bank

Plot Shape and Layout:

  • Square or rectangular plots and offices are highly recommended for banks. Staircases can be in the South, West, or South-West.

Storage and Open Space:

  • Cupboards and storage units for records should be towards the South and West. Maintain more open space towards the North and East directions.

Reception and Enquiry:

  • Position the reception and enquiry counter in the Eastern sector.

Cash Counter:

  • The cash counter should be in the North. Cashiers should face North or East. Cash counters should be square or rectangular, with cash kept in the drawer on the South side opening towards North.

Directors and Managers:

  • Cabins for directors and top managers are ideally placed in the South-West sector. Interior design within these cabins should adhere to Vastu guidelines. Directors and top managers should face North or East while sitting.

Strong Room and Lockers:

  • Main strong rooms, lockers, or safes can be placed in the North direction. Alternatively, these can be in the North basement. Lockers should be oriented towards the South and open towards the North.

Counter Placement:

  • Cash deposits counter should be in North. Payment counter can be towards the West of North-West.

Loan Disbursement:

  • The loan disbursement department can be situated in the South-West for a practical and logical approach to work.

Workstations and Waiting Areas:

  • Workstations and cabins can be arranged in the South and West directions. Reserve North and East sectors for clients and customers as waiting areas.

Brahmasthan and North-East Sector:

  • Keep the Brahmasthan light, open, and airy. No construction is recommended in the Brahmasthan. Strengthen and energize the North-East sector by placing an idol of a god. Do keep the North-East clutter-free for a positive energy flow.

Interior Aesthetics:

  • Ensure that the interiors of the bank are aesthetic, pleasing, and welcoming. A positive work environment enhances the energy levels and morale of both staff and customers. Avoid clutter and build-up of unnecessary papers and records in the workspace.

Parking and Facilities:

  • Parking is advised in the North, East, and North-East directions. Toilets in the North-West sector. Water coolers in the North-East. Pantry and canteen in the South-East corner. Transformers, generators, and the main computer room in the South-East sector. Air-conditioning plant in the North-West or South-East sectors.
In conclusion, Vastu for banks focuses on creating a conducive and balanced environment that aligns with traditional beliefs.
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