# Works in conjunction with the Money Matrix from VastuEnergetics when installed in a Vastu
# Balances the 5 Elements and 9 Planets of all the inhabitants in the Vastu on an energetic level.
# Activates the Sushumna Nadi and as a result one breathes from both nostrils simultaneously post the installation of the Karma Healer since the energetic body is now balanced. You will be calm and active. As a result, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are in complete harmony.
# Release of negative energy patterns leading to improved relationships and increased personal growth is noted.
# Feeling of being more aligned to the life purpose is observed and Karmic level healing is thus achieved.
# Placement to be done in the West direction at Centre-West or 270 degrees.
# One Karma Healer works for ALL the members of the home / office.